Time to rally

I guess a Friday is as good as time as any to rally. I have been thinking about my future self a lot lately. That person that is one day from dead. Is that version of me the best possible version of me or did that version of me squander the time he had to…


A total life disruption like a forced quarantine can do wonders for bearing out our true selves. It acts like a mirror that we can’t look away from. A mirror that sees right through the walls we put up to try and deceive ourselves. There is no hiding when all of ourĀ  outside activities and…

Correcting Course

We all know that the path to greatness is long, narrow, and lonely. If we choose that path it will be difficult and there will be times that we will lose our way. Sometime it is our own fault. Sometimes the world throws us aside as she turns. It will happen to all of us….

The Moment of Control

We all experience emotion. No matter how calm and cool you think you are your emotions are still there. It is part of being a human. Sometimes experiencing those emotions can motivate us to new highs. Sometimes our emotions cause us to lose our cool and we sink to new lows. When we feel an…

Thinking Far

I was introduced to a simple tool about 4 years ago called a One Page Personal Plan, OPPP. This tool is intended to break down life long aspirations into shorter goals that are actually manageable and possible to complete. It was the first time that I really tried to extend my thinking out to the…

Do the Minimum

As humans we always feel the pull of wanting more. We want progress. We want our lives to be better tomorrow than they are today. We try to set up our lives in ways that will move us in a positive direction. But it is hard. There are days that just don’t work out how…

Go Streaking

There is one idea that has done more for me and my goals than any other single thing. Goal streaks. Real success comes from continuous and relentless work. Working on your goals day after day without fail. Even if it is hard, even if you don’t want to, even if it feels like you are…

Merge the Curve

Is it possible to be the best version of our selves? If we put our lives into a simulation and made every right decision possible for our entire lives who would that person be? After we get to the end of our lives how will we stack up to that simulation? Will we be 50%…

Do The Hard Things

Staying in your comfort zone is so easy. We love it, of course we do, its our comfort zone. The place makes us feel good. It helps us to avoid being stressed out. It keeps our fears at bay. But it is an empty place. There is no satisfaction, no achievement, and no goals waiting…